I related to this post so much. I’ve been thrilled with the free lunches (and breakfasts), so grateful for thing off my plate. But every so often I wonder, is this too easy? πŸ˜† side note: we have that same little blue Bruin ball I spied in one pic πŸ˜‰ . Are you a UCLA alum as well?! πŸ’™πŸ’›

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Fay Gordon

Fay, you are not "accepting help". You are helping Diego to grow up. As you have said he likes school lunches (and probably other things as well) and he needs to start having his own opinions - he's not a baby anymore. (You have Leonel for that).

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Fay Gordon

Fay! It’s been a very long time but I’m so happy you shared this link. So beautifully written. I’m currently breastfeeding my first child and struggling to keep up now that I’m back to work. I have enormous guilt about giving him even a little formula even though it lifts a tremendous burden. No one could understand why I felt so guilty and even I struggled to articulate it well. I think you did a wonderful job here describing these challenging thoughts.

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Just love this Fay and I’m with you on all the feels! Also let’s talk about the day the world came to town!! That book has continued to stay with me.

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Oh Fay, I loved this. Carson, my 2nd grader, is completely obsessed with the school lunch. I had a lot of these same feelings, initially, but I'm now at the point where I'm grateful for one less thing to think about πŸ€ͺ Loved your reflections here, esp the parts about "exclusively" offering the care. I'm going to be thinking about that for a while.

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